Next Step – Interview
If you obtain a qualifying score of ‘4’ (out of ‘9’) on the test battery, you will be scheduled for an oral interview.

You will be interviewed by a committee representing both NECA and the IBEW. Each applicant’s transcripts and any other submitted documentation is evaluated and reviewed by the JATC Committee before the interview.
Applicants will be selected on the basis of qualification alone without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, gender identity or sexual orientation in accordance with the objective standards.
Following the interview, each committee member scores the applicant from 0-100 based upon the interview and the information submitted during the application process. The average of the committee members scores becomes the applicants “interview score” and is entered onto the “ranking list”. This score remains active on the ranking list for a period of two years.

Next Step – Ranking List
The ranking list consists of all active interview scores. Interview scores are entered onto the ranking list with the highest score being first. An applicant’s interview score remains on the ranking list for a period of two years, during which time an applicant is eligible for selection. Each month as interviews are conducted, interview scores are added and the ranking order changes.

Next Step – Apprentice Selection
New apprentices may be selected at any time and are selected from the ranking list in order of ranking by the JATC Committee. If 5 apprentices are to be selected, the top 5 scores on the ranking list at that time will be chosen. The number selected is determined by the JATC Committee based upon the needs of the industry. All selected applicants will be required to pass a physical drug screen.

Next Step – Apprentice Orientation
Selected applicants are notified by email and must decline or accept the offer of apprenticeship. An orientation/bootcamp is scheduled and must be attended. Details of the program and its benefits are covered at the orientation.
Before signing the US Department of Labor Apprenticeship Agreement, a selected applicant will be given the opportunity to read our Apprenticeship Standards, the JATC Policy Statement, the Substance Abuse Policy, the Scholarship Loan Agreement, and the Apprenticeship Agreement.